01 de Julio de 2004

Fifth Expedition UPDATE:

Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise


To All Interested Scientists, Explorers and Tourists of our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise,
RE:  Our upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise, scheduled for June 26 - July 19, 2006.
Steve Currey, our expedition organizer, has just returned from a successful conference organized by our expedition recruiter in South America, Prof. Marcelo Martorelli, where several more voyagers have signed up for Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise.

While there, Steve also appeared on the TV program "Infinito" with 6 million Latin American viewers.  He says his Spanish was pushed to the limit in describing to interested voyagers our offer to take 108 scientists, explorers and/or tourists in an attempt to locate the North Polar Opening and enter therein on a friendly visit to Inner Earth 

Our advertising apparently has struck a cord in the professional establishment.  We have received several emails from professors, engineers and scientists asserting that we are a bunch of Morons, Hollow Heads, Stupid, and some other epithets I won't mention.  Of course, what they lack in proof of their side of the debate is made up in throwing out hideous name calling in an effort to intimidate us.  They have NO proof that the earth is not hollow and name calling is their only recourse when they have no evidence of their FALSE solid/liquid interior earth theory.

Gravity and Our Hollow Earth

One question brought up by these brain washed (and well paid) Learned Heads is how does a hollow earth account for gravity.  They claim that the earth would not have enough matter in it to produce the gravity we experience on its surface. 

Establishment science teaches that everywhere inside a hollow planet there would be ZERO gravity.  If there were any interior earth inhabitants, they would be floating around in zero gravity.

Inevitably, questions such as these arise when considering the hollow earth theory.  Questions arise, such as, how could there exist a hole in the Arctic Ocean that leads to a hollow in the earth?  Wouldn't all the ocean water drain down such a big hole and empty the Arctic Ocean?  Wouldn't any inner earth inhabitants that supposedly live on the inner surface "fall" into the Inner Sun?

So, if you may have had any such questions, I will attempt to describe how gravity can work in a hollow earth

Our Earth is Hollow with Polar Openings and a Central Sun

First of all, could enough matter exist in a hollow earth to provide us the surface gravity acceleration we observe on the outside of the earth?

I originally thought that perhaps there may have been a miscalculation in the gravitation constant which scientists have used to determine the strength of gravity exerted by a certain measured amount of matter.  On first thought, also, it would seem that if the earth were hollow, that it would have less matter.  After an extensive review of the theory behind the gravitation constant, I was unable to find any error in it and it's use in determining the acceleration of gravity exerted by mas

So I decided to apply the Newtonian gravity to a hollow earth to see if it could contain the mass calculated to exist in the earth.  According to the Inner Earth Guide in ETIDORPHA, the earth has an earth shell thickness of 800 miles.  So one half the total volume of the earth is contained in its shell.  Since the Inner Sun is relatively small, and is most likely a hollow crystal itself, most of the earth's mass would be located in the earth's shell.  I have calculated that 99.99% of the earth's mass is located in the earth's shell.  The Density of Shell = Mass of Earth/Volume of Shell, so the density of the shell would be:

 5.978541732 x 10^27 gms/5.342261531 x 10^26 cc

        = 11.19 gm/cc

As you can see, Newtonian physics would require an average shell density almost as dense as lead (11.3).  And since surface rocks are 2.7, then the interior of the shell would have to be greater than the average density.

The interior density using the Newtonian mass of the earth requires than the interior of the shell would have a density of 2 * 11.19 - 2.7 = 19.68, which is denser than gold (19.3).   Platinum is 21.4, so an inner shell density of 19.68 is not beyond the realm of possibility.  In fact, if the earth is hollow as we maintain, the inner shell would necessarily need to be of a greater density to give the hollow planet enough strength to keep its hollow shape.

So we can say that a shell density of 11.19 gm/cc could be in the realm of possibility.  After all, the earth DOES ring like a bell after a rather large earthquake.  A bell is hollow and is made of metal, just as a hollow earth may be.  So amazingly, we find that Newtonian gravity IS consistent with a hollow earth.  A hollow earth COULD feasibly contain all the earth's estimated mass and thus be able to exert the surface acceleration of gravity we observe on the earth's outer surface.

Second, where would the center of gravity be located in a hollow earth and what do impirical experiments indicate in regards to this?  In other words, would the water of the Arctic Ocean drain down into a polar opening and would inner earth inhabitants be drawn into the central sun?

These are interesting questions, and the answers may surprise you. 

In a hollow earth with a central sun, there exists two centers of gravity.  One in the central sun, and the other is actually a sphere located between the inner and outer surfaces of the shell, closer to the inner surface than the other, as reported by the Inner Earth Guide in ETIDORPHA, who said it is located at a 700 mile depth in the 800 mile thick shell.  The fact that earthquakes occur no deeper than 450 miles indicates that beyond that point, the shell density increases causing the central sphere of gravity to be located closer to the inner surface than the outer.

The center of gravity in the inner sun has very little if any effect on us because the inner sun is so small, estimated

to be about 600 miles in diameter.  I have estimated that 99.99% of the earth's total mass is located in the earth's 800 mile thick shell.  So gravity of the shell is what affects us the most by far.

The central sphere of gravity located in the shell is supported by a couple of experiments I have located.

The first experiment was carried out in the early 1900's, as reported in Scientific American. 

In a solid earth, the center of gravity would be located in the center of the earth.  So the experiment was to measure the distance apart that two plumb bobs suspended a mile into the earth would be closer at the bottom than the top, which if the earth were solid, the plumb bobs would be closer at the bottom than at the top because the plumb lines would be expected to point to the center of the earth. 

What they found was exactly the opposite.  The plumb bobs were measured at the bottom of the mine shafts and found to be farther apart at the bottom of the mine shaft than at the top.  In fact, they were exactly the distance farther apart at the bottom than at the top that would be expected if the center of gravity were 4000 miles out in space!  The experimenters were unable to explain this so they just wiped the whole thing from their minds.

Some hollow earth theorists took this as evidence that we are living on the inside of a hollow planet.

Obviously, this is not the case.  We are living on the outside of a hollow planet.  We routinely send satellites into orbit

about the earth and to other planets.  We obviously are living on the outside surface of the planet.  Pictures of the earth

taken by our satellites show our earth to appear as a ball as observed from the outside of it

So what does this experiment mean?  What it means is that the center of gravity is NOT in the center of the earth -- at

least for us living on the outer surface of the planet.  Another thing this experiment indicates is that gravity is not what

we all thought it was, assumed to be an attraction of matter.  What it does indicate is that gravity is something else

My study indicates that gravity consists of a flow of an etheric gas that fills the universe into the nucleus of all atoms.  It appears that all atoms are hollow, with an electron shell and interior nuclear radiation generator.  My theory of gravity requires that the particles in the nucleus of atoms concentrate the ether of space down into spinning balls of ether which become the smallest particle of matter, and are ejected by the nucleus out the south polar opening of the atom and become what we know as the electromagnetic field of the atom.  These gyroscopic particles are met by incoming ether which causes the gyroscopic particles to curve around the atom towards the north pole, traveling between layers of electrons orbiting more or less at right angles to the magnetic field lines.  The inflow of the ether into the nucleus also keeps the electrons in orbit about the nucleus. 

Atoms are hollow with a central nuclear radiation generator that creates the magnetic field and induces the gravitational ether flow

The concentration of the ether of space down into spinning balls of matter creates a vacuum in the nucleus in the ether.  The ether gas surrounding the atom, then rushes in to fill that vacuum.  As it accelerates into the nucleus it exerts a pressure force on all particles of matter it passes pushing them towards the central nucleus. The effect we feel as the ether gas passes through us into the matter of the earth is the weight we feel of our bodies pressing onto the surface of the planet.  This ether gas accelerates into the earth and then spreads out in all directions at the central sphere of gravity 700 miles down.  The spreading out of the ether gas as it enters the earth's shell and approaches the central sphere of gravity is what caused the plumb bobs to be farther apart at the bottom of the mine shaft than at the top.  The plumb bobs actually point to the SOURCE of gravity, which is the ether of space that accelerates into the earth.

The discovery that gravity consists of a flow of ether gas has lead to the discovery of gravity control, popularly called anti-gravity.  With electrostatic forces using specially shaped capacitors, gravity control has been achieved and is what flying saucers use for propulsion and control.  Our government has succeeded in using high powered radar beams to knock some flying saucers out of the sky and have been able to back engineer their gravity control technology.  The alien saucers actually are not extraterrestrial, but come from inner earth, where exists a civilization a couple of thousand years more advanced than we are.  Their study of the inner sun led them to the discovery of gravity control.

A icehole gravity experiment in Greenland reported in the February 27, 1989 Physical Review Letters journal discovered that the acceleration of gravity decreases faster than if the center of gravity were in the center of the earth, which would be the case if the earth is instead hollow. 

Acceleration of gravity decreases faster than if it were in the center of the earthA gravity meter lowered toward the central sphere of gravity located in the shell of a hollow earth would require a much more rapid decrease in the acceleration of gravity (red in the chart - actual measurement) than the much more gradual decrease in acceleration (purple in chart - calculated) that would be required to reach zero acceleration in the 4,000 miles to the center of a liquid-solid earth.

It could be, also, that the earth's inner sun has a reverse gravity flow together with its solar wind and electromagnetic radiation which allows it to repel the inner surface and helps to keep the inner sun centrally suspended in the hollow.  This may also contribute to a healthy inner surface gravity as reported by those explorers who have been there -- that the the inner earth inhabitants have their feet planted just as firmly on the inner surface as we do on the outer.  They certainly are not floating around in zero gravity as the science books say would be the case in a hollow planet.  Gravity ether flowing into the inner surface towards the central sphere of gravity in the shell also would help to provide an inner surface gravity, although it is suspected to be less than our outer surface gravity.

I have also recalculated the densities of all the planets, and if they are hollow with shell thicknesses about 10% of their diameter, they would all have solid surfaces, except Saturn.  It would have to have a thicker shell to have a solid surface.  Even the sun I have calculated would have a solid surface at a density of 2.9.  It is known that the surface of the sun is cooler than it's atmosphere.  My study indicates that the sun is a hollow crystal ball.  Solar radiation generating cells were discovered by Skylab to be stationary, indicating it has a solid surface.  Gravity ether flowing into the sun is converted by these solar magnetic cells into electromagnetic radiation and solar wind particles

The sun in X-ray & ultraviolet shows permanent coronal holes at its polesThe sun has an electromagnetic field caused by the rotation of its crystal shell about its inner sun. If the sun were a gaseous planet, it could not produce an electromagnetic field. From an article in the Scientific American comes this significant confession: "In 1934, Thomas G. Cowling of the University of Leeds in England proved that single, symmetrical fluid flows cannot generate magnetic fields...Astronomers cannot explain the galaxies or solar magnetic fields." (Mystery of the Missing Dynamo, Scientific American, p. 24, January 1995)

Because astronomers believe stars are gaseous and planets have liquid interiors they cannot explain the observed magnetic fields in suns or planets. Scientists today teach that the sun and stars are composed entirely of gases. But Skylab photography revealed that the nuclear reactions on the sun emanate from permanent stationary "nuclear cells." Such permanency strongly indicates that the surface of the sun is solid, not liquid nor gaseous. In fact, the surface of the sun is relatively quite cool compared to its upper atmosphere.  If the sun has a shell that is perhaps 10% of the planet's diameter, I have calculated that it's shell would be solid having a density of 2.86 gm/cc, which is a little denser than glass.  As such, the sun could easily be a giant crystal globe!   In fact, Skylab discovered that the sun has permanent coronal holes at its poles taken in X-ray and ultra violet images that could indicate it has polar openings also.

My study of gravity indicates that our earth as well as all planets are actually hollow.  The sun and the supposedly gaseous planets all have strong magnetic fields.  They could not have magnetic fields if they are completely gaseous, or if the planets have liquid interiors.  This indicates that they have solid shells that rotate at different speeds than their inner suns.  By recalculating the planets and sun's masses assuming that the greatest portion of their mass is in the shell, all would have solid surfaces -- thus making it possible that these planets can generate the magnetic fields they have been observed to have

All the outer planets were found by the Voyager spacecraft to emit more energy than they receive from the sun.  Radiation is emited from their polar openings from their inner suns to light up auroras over their poles just like our inner sun does here on earth.

So how does gravity work in a polar opening?  The answer is that since by far the greatest portion of the earth's mass is located in its shell, then that is where gravity accelerates towards.  Therefore, as one advances through the polar opening, the water and the ship is not accelerated towards the center of the earth, but towards the central sphere of gravity located in its shell.  As such the water of the ocean adheres to the side of the polar opening, just as the earth's oceans adhere to the sides of its outer surface.  More than likely, however, one would weigh less at the neck of the polar opening than further outside of it because of the mass of the earth that would at that point be directly above one's head.  Admiral Byrd was amazed when he flew through the south polar opening and saw what appeared to be a continent hanging in the sky above his head.  As Olaf Jansen sailed through the north polar opening in 1829, he saw the sun reflecting off the ocean on the opposite side of the polar opening and said it appeared to be a very bright star he could see for several days as they were sailing through an open sea after they passed the ice.  He did not know what star it was or what caused it, but was surprised to see a star in the bright sunlight of day.  Of course, it was not a star, but the sun being reflected off the surface of the ocean on the opposite side of the opening as they sailed through it.  Olaf reported it being quite warm as they passed through the polar opening. The sun was circling high up in the sky and then almost down to the horizon as they passed through the opening.  At noon, the sun was observed to be directly overhead as if they were at the equator.  This could only happen if they were actually passing through a quite large polar opening, where at one point on the curvature into the interior, our outer sun would shine down directly from above

We will observe this when we go on our expedition to the inner earth.  We will use the ship's radar to bounce radio waves off the opposite side of the opening and so determine the exact shape and size of the north polar opening.  Once on the interior, we will also use the radar to determine the distance to the inner sun and the opposite side of the hollow, and thus confirm the thickness of the earth's shell.  We will take a weight scale with us and use it to determine the gravity difference going through the polar opening and on the earth's interior as compared to the outside surface of the planet.  We will document all of this and our scientific observations will be shatter the inner earth science taught in our schools today.  These professors and scientists who call us Morons and Hollow Heads and claim to know so much about our earth's interior will have to eat their own words.

You are invited to reserve your place now on our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise aboard the Russian nuclear icebreaker, the Yamal!  You will not want to miss this chance to journey to Our Hollow Earth via the North Polar Opening and visit the friendly people of Inner Earth!  We believe this expedition will be the greatest expedition in all of history.  The truths we will return with will be earth shattering to establishment science.  It will all be documented in color, surround sound IMAX theater format for all the world to witness.  A copy of the expedition video will be given to each voyager upon our return.

Join us today on our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth!

Next Year In Eden,

Rodney M. Cluff, author
World Top Secret:  Our Earth Is Hollow!


Steve C. Currey, President
Steve Currey's Expedition Company
To reserve your place on the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth expedition cruise, call Steve Currey toll free at 1-800-937-7238, or fill out and mail in the reservation form on his website at:
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call Steve or write him at BBRHI@aol.com.

Actualizaciones Anteriores en Ingles: 

30 de Abril de 2004

**** Fourth Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


25 de Marzo de 2004

**** Third Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


05 de Enero de 2004

**** Second Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


24 de Noviembre de 2003

**** First Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****

Respetado/a Amigo/a:

Mi nombre es Marcelo G. Martorelli. Soy Profesor y Director General de Fundación PEA (PAZ, ECOLOGIA & ARTE)  la cual es una ONG que llevamos adelante desde hace casi 7 años con mi esposa y un bellísimo grupo de amigos trabajando en Educación con niños, adolescentes y público en Gral dedicada a la Educación para la Paz, la Ecología y el Arte.

Nuestro trabajo Institucional en...  www.fundacionpea.org 

Es tan conmocionante los acontecimientos que estan sucediendo en un Orden Planetario, Social e Individual que como bien comprenderás, pocos podrán entender verdaderamente la enorme proyección y magnitud de este proceso que intentaré compartir lo mas claramente posible al dejar expuesta a toda la humanidad a un nuevo "Paradigma Geográfico y Social", que este fantástico desafío puede disparar.

Dados los acontecimientos que vienen sucediendo y la excesiva "SINCRONICIDAD", sé positivamente que pocos podrán comprender completamente este proceso, pero de todas formas, debo intentarlo. Sé tambien que muy pocos comprendieron en su tiempo a Giordano Bruno, Copérnico, Colón, etc.,por ello considero muy importante colaborar Informando a la Humanidad ya que es a ella a quien pertenece nuestro posible descubrimiento.

¿Que pensarías si te dijera, que dentro de la Tierra, existe un Continente totalmente desconocido e inexplorado por el Hombre?

¿Que pensarías si te dijera que dentro de nuestro Planeta existe una Civilización Antiquísima, muchísimo mas avanzada que la nuestra que habita en este Continente Interno de la Tierra?

Desde tiempos inmemoriales la Humanidad ha enfrentado Grandes Misterios. El Hombre se ha visto expuesto a todo tipo de desafíos, ha posado sus ojos en las Estrellas, ha salido de su Planeta y ha puesto sus pies en la Luna.

Intentará sin duda en un futuro no muy lejano alcanzar otros Planetas y tocar las Estrellas.

La Humanidad siempre se ha visto conmocionada por el Misterio del Espacio, y por el desafío que éste representa para el Hombre.

Sin embargo muy cerca de él, bajo sus pies, un Antiquísimo Legado descansa pacientemente, un Milenario Misterio, profundo y revelador, tan desafiante como alcanzar las estrellas, tan abrumador como posar sus pies en la luna.

Este Desconocido Continente dentro de la Tierra, está entramado por una vastísima Red de Túneles que conectan con decenas de Ciudades Intraterrenas, alguna de ellas habitadas por seres de un altísimo grado de conocimiento, que custodian y preservan la Evolución Planetaria.

Diferentes Culturas de todo el Planeta han legado importantes referencias, acerca de este profundo y revelador Misterio,

¿Existe un Continente dentro de la Tierra?

¿Hay otras Humanidades dentro de nuestro Planeta?

¿Habría bajo nuestros pies civilizaciones más avanzadas que la nuestra?

Trataré de relatarte rápidamente los acontecimientos que me fueron sucediendo. El día 26 de Septiembre de 2003 llegó a mi casa un sobre con un folleto de una expedición turística y científica invitando a la primer Expedición a la Apertura Polar Norte y al Continente Interno de la Tierra, que contará con un grupo de renombrados científicos y psíquicos internacionales quienes trataran de comprobar la Teoría de la Tierra Hueca (Hollow Earth).

CLIQUEAR EN LA IMAGEN para mayor información sobre la Expedición.

Contacté inmediatamente a Steve Currey, Organizador de la Expedición, le comenté del material relacionado que tenía, y tambien que disponía de unos mapas muy especiales sobre el tema. A la semana siguiente, de la manera mas increíble me llama desde E.E.U.U. que venia para Buenos Aires a encontrarse conmigo, que había visto todo mi trabajo en la web, y que lo consideraba de lo mejor sobre el tema en nuestro país. No lo podía creer, era lo mas maravilloso y lo mas fuerte que me habia pasado en toda mi vida. Finalmente, y luego de un sinfin de "SINCRONICIDADES" tengo que confesarte amigo mio, que lloré de alegría por una semana seguida.. Y todavía lo sigo haciendo, por el inmenso agradecimiento que siento al ver manifestado el mas grande de todos mis Sueños.


Solo puedo decirles que desde que recibí la invitación:

"Cada DIA de mi vida, es el DIA mas feliz de mi vida"

En esta carta encontrarás mas información...

Respetados Amigos:

En nombre mío personal y de todo el equipo de www.erks.org desde lo mas profundo de nuestra Alma y nuestro Corazón Sinceramente, "Infinitas Gracias... Steve Currey & Rodney Cluff, por dar esta enorme oportunidad al Género Humano".


Gracias también por estar ahí, educando en Valores, investigando y soñando con el Nuevo Mundo, con un Mundo Mejor, como yo lo he hecho durante toda mi vida.


Demás esta decirles lo importante e impactante que es para mi y nuestro equipo recibir semejante noticia, como algo que siempre soñábamos pero que solo estaba relegado a nuestra imaginación.


Ahora se que existe una concreta y real posibilidad de que nuestro sueño pueda ser una revolucionaria realidad.


Al grano. La cantidad de coincidencias significativas es abrumadora. Sin lugar a duda esta oportunidad, resonó en mi interior  como el cierre de todo un profundo proceso de Transformación, Expansión de la Conciencia y Servicio que venimos realizando desde hace ya mucho tiempo.


Me he entrenado en observar atentamente esas profundas intervenciones de la Inteligencia de la Naturaleza que ajusta nuestros Destinos claramente, produciendo Sincronicidad e Interconectividad en nuestras vidas para poder alinearnos aun más a un Orden Cósmico Mayor.


Siempre supe en mi corazón que debía realizar el viaje físico a nuestra Tierra Interna, pero que primero debía aprender a relacionarme y a conocer mi propio Mundo Interno y desde allí tomar conciencia que sin este requisito, ellos jamás nos dejarían acceder a su Mundo Interno de la Tierra en el Plano Físico.


Hace unos pocos días atrás, justo el día antes de recibir el sobre del Milagro, como me gusta llamarlo, escribí:


"El Llamado de la Tierra Interna" Parte lll:  www.erks.org/homellamado.htm


No me cabía la menor duda, durante 20 años de mi vida, me he dedicado a investigar apasionadamente las civilizaciones desaparecidas, y en especial todo lo referido a: Shambhala, Agharta y ERKS (Ciudad Intraterrena Argentina ubicada debajo del Cerro Uritorco en la provincia de Córdoba).


Quien escribe fue uno de los convocados que estuvo presente allí, cuando fui invitado por el Dr. Ángel Acouglanis descubridor de la Ciudad Intraterrena de ERKS, en donde comenzó lo que marcó mi vida para siempre, allá por 1986. Hace casi 7 años Dirijo paralelamente el desarrollo de estos sitios web.









Hace 7 años tuve casi un mes de Alta Sincronicidad en la cual me fue legado un material absolutamente ORIGINAL que data del año 1929 que es perteneciente al pintor y explorador Ruso Nicholas Roerich y Al Dr. Ricardo Rojas (prócer Argentino), que revela sucesos totalmente desconocidos para la sociedad que no daré a conocer hasta llegado el momento.


La evolución y transformación de mi vida continuo su proceso, hasta que nuevamente un flujo mas intenso todavía de coincidencias significativas se apoderó de mi nuevamente y me fue legado de una forma extremadamente extraña, hace 5 años, un juego de tres mapas totalmente diferentes entre si, del Interior de la Tierra Interna.


El fin de semana del 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2003 luego de una cantidad abrumadora de Sincronicidades, vino a visitarnos a la Argentina un ser Humano verdaderamente extraordinario, un serio y respetado profesional, nuestro amigo Steve Currey quien es el organizador de la Expedición a la Tierra Interna, con quien compartimos diversa información correspondiente.


Nuestra sorpresa fue conmocionante cuando descubrimos, que los mapas que estaban en mi poder completaban claramente los mapas que Steve tenia tornandose necesarios para poder acceder con menor riesgo dentro de nuestra Tierra Interna y realizar el viaje con total éxito.


Todo fue y va Sincronizando en forma vertiginosa e increible sin duda podría decirles que ya se acerca el Tiempo, de completar la Masa Critica necesaria para que pueda introducirse en la Humanidad el nuevo paradigma que esta 1er Expedición al Mundo Interno de la Tierra pueda revelar a nuestro regreso.


¿Puede imaginar amigo lector, lo que puede suceder en la humanidad toda a nuestro regreso, de ser permitido nuestro acceso al Mundo Interno de la Tierra Físicamente?.


Un sueño de hace 20 años ha comenzado a hacerse una verdadera realidad, la aventura recién comienza...


Respetados Amigos solo puedo decirles que, desde que recibí esta invitación:

"Cada DIA de mi vida, es el DIA mas feliz de mi vida"


Y por supuesto también Infinitas Gracias señor lector por estar ahí desde siempre acompañando nuestro trabajo y nuestros sueños mas preciados.

Intentaré en lo posible ir relatando los sucesos paso a paso no deje de chequear nuestras actualizaciones en esta web y nuestras actividades a realizar próximamente.


Hermanados en el Arcano Conocimiento

Prof. Marcelo Martorelli (Eshael)


Buenos Aires

Capital - Argentina



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